• Push Hands

    Partnership Training
    in Taijiquan

    The slow graceful movements require great concentration and attention to detail. Read More

  • Martial Applications

    Martial Applications
    Self Defense

    Maintaining presence of mind and body is perhaps the most essential skill to have. Read more

  • Forms

    Taijiquan Forms
    Choreographed Sequences

    Postures are connected through carefully considered movements designed to adhere to Taiji principles Read more

Learning By Experience

In the practice of Taijiquan, you are asked to be attentive to the precision of your movements More than just the physical accuracy, you are also challenged to be mentally focused. In challenging yourself to acquire the skills promised by the philosophical guidelines of Taijiquan, you will be challenged to master your mind.

Pushing Hands
Sensitivity Training

Developing Taijiquan skills requires great precision. Verify everything in Taijiquan with your own experience.

Pushing Hands Practice
Remaining Present

In spite of threat, violence, or stress, being responsive rather than reactive gives you the most options.

NYC Workshop
Formal Sets
Specific Choreography

The sequence of movements provide step-by-step training and advancement of Taijiquan's unique skills

Single Whip